In relation to alcohol, some people are concerned about the damage they are potentially doing to their health, or their weight. Others, are concerned about the strain they are putting on their relationships, or their jobs. Others still are simply tired of feeling groggy, sluggish and thick headed when they wake up.
This programme is for people who recognise that their drinking sometimes interferes with their lives in negative ways, such as: stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and depression.
Its aim is to break the habitual nature of drinking alcohol and help the client to get back in control.
Sometimes alcohol is used as an emotional crutch that can lead a person down the slippery slope of another drink to forget, to forgive, etc.
I believe that alcohol is the symptom, and not the cause of over drinking and that the desire to drink more than a person would like is an emotional habit. An emotional habit that can be unlearnt.
I also believe that for most people, it’s unrealistic to attempt to stop drinking completely, so the aim of this programme is to reduce the alcohol intake to a more moderate level.
The frightening statistics around alcohol
UK alcohol statistics
According to recent research:
- 57% of people aged 16+ reported drinking up to 14 units of alcohol per week.
- 24% of people aged 16+ in the UK regularly drink more the the recommended number of units of alcohol.
- 27% of drinkers in the UK binge drink.
- Alcohol misuse is the biggest risk factor for deaths, ill-health and disability among 15 – 49 year olds in the UK.
- In the UK in 2021, there were 9,641 deaths registered from alcohol specific causes, which is the highest on record. This is 27.4% higher than in 2019.
- Alcohol is one of the three biggest lifestyle risk factors for disease and death in the UK, the other two being smoking and obesity.
- An estimated 8 million people are unaware of the damage their drinking could be causing to their health.
“Alcohol-specific deaths have risen sharply since the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, with alcoholic liver disease the leading cause of these deaths. This rise is likely to be the result of increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic.
Research has suggested that people who were already drinking at higher levels before the pandemic were the most likely to have increased their alcohol consumption during this period.”
James Tucker, Data & Analysis for Social Care and Health Division,
Office for National Statistics
The long-term health risks
Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems, including:
- High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease and digestive problems.
- Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, eosophagus, liver and colon.
- Learning and memory problems, including dementia.
- Mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.
- Social problems, including lost productivity, family problems and work related problems.
- Alcohol dependency.
When alcohol becomes an issue
Many people reach for an alcoholic drink out of habit, or as a way to relax at the end of a long day. But, if any of the following are answered with a ‘yes’ it may be that alcohol is becoming a problem.
If it’s time to get back control of your drinking, please contact me.